Thursday, June 20, 2019

Planning task


 Planning task

Aim of the Activity

Focusing on the main competitive goal of a rider.  You are required to prescribe training for two separate weeks for each phase of training, with a sample week being taken from the start and the end of each training phase.

What to do:

Submit a detailed training schedule for the rider for the following phases of a training plan:
Preparation Phase
Specific Preparation Phase
General Competition Phase
Competition Phase leading up to the main goal

What to include in your portfolio:

1. Provide an overview of the rider (i.e. goals and competitive goals, any other specific considerations or observations).  Please do not use any names that will result in their identity being revealed.
2. Determine the distribution of weeks for your training plan and outline the number of weeks in each training phase.
3. Provide a detailed breakdown of their 2-week training schedule, for each training phase, with a week being taken from the start and the end of each training phase.  Remember to include non-cycling activities.
The last week in the competition phase should contain a ‘Taper’ leading up to the main goal within the training plan.

(note: I have shown here the 7th week in each training block, except for the preparatory phase of the training plan, as the 8th week is a recovery week, !.)

The plan

1. Specific goals with time frame:

3-6mths out: improve endurance base in order to be ready for ultimate goal as below

0-3mths out: improve time trialing ability and recovery after time trial effort

Main Goal:
Complete “555” endurance race as part of a 6 woman team. Each team member will ride approx. 1/6th of 555km in total. Each rider will ride approx. for 25 minutes at one time. Total number of rides in the event will be approx 6.
Course is hilly with some climbs. Some riding will be done in darkness.
Total time expected to complete is 23 hours approx.

Note: the rider completed the "555" ultra relay in great form. Her performance was excellent and contributed to the whole team's excellent result!

Relevant Notes This rider is a keen cyclist who has been cycling for approximately 5 years. She comes from a running background and has reasonable basic fitness. She has no racing experience and a structured training program is new to her.
The rider is working on 3 weeks “hard” and 1 week recovery sections inside the training block. This system is carried on for all of the training that is proscribed for the rider.

Rate of perceived effort
Throughout all phases of the plan I am using rate of perceived effort(RPE) to indicate to the rider how hard she is working. It takes time for the rider to become familiar with the RPE system and to understand what are the different levels. I use a system of 1 to 10 where 10 is all out effort!
Most workouts are to be at around Level 5-6.  For interval training, recovery is to be around a 4-5 and your intensity blasts to be at around 8-9. Working at a level 10 isn't recommended for most workouts. For longer, slower workouts, keep RPE at Level 5 or lower.
RPE 0          nothing do cartwheels!
RPE 1 to 2 easy speak, sing, even dance
RPE 2 to 4 slow chat freely
RPE 5           moderate just above comfortable, sweating more; can still talk easily
RPE 6           steady can still talk, but am slightly breathless
RPE 7           threshold can still talk, but I don't really want to. I'm sweating like a pig
RPE 8          hard can grunt in response to your questions and can only keep this pace for a short time
RPE 9         very hard probably going to die
RPE 10         flat out! not sustainable

Sessions can be done on turbo trainer if weather is not favourable although I encourage rider to do the sessions in the out doors on the road.

As coach I also consider maintaining all sections of the body Thus the plan includes flexibility training(yoga) and core conditioning work. This will allow for proper sustained “form” on the bike.

Core strength:(use 5 kg kettle bell)

Exercises are demonstrated by coach(me) and can be done at home or any convenient gym.

goblet squat 3 sets; 8 reps per set
lateral squat 3sets; 8 reps per set
straight leg dead lift 3 sets; 8 reps per set
front plank 1 min each time
side plank 1 min each side
mountain climber 3 sets; 8 reps per set
renegade row 3 sets; 8 reps per set

Yoga: I recommend attending a yoga class which has reasonable stretching session built in to it. A specific yoga class is available.


The rider will be challenged to improve her time trialing skills. She will be asked to complete some of the several sessions in the program in the TT position. Feedback will be given by the coach(me) on how TT effort can be improved. This is an iterative process and uses the constraints lead approach(CLA).
The core strength and yoga sessions are an important part of the overall process as they focus on being able to maintain form throughout the relay event.

2. Training Plan – Distribution of Weeks
Training plan (Total number of weeks)
Preparation phase(8 weeks)
Specific preparation phase(8 weeks)
General competitive phase(8 weeks)
Competitive phase(3 weeks)

Weekly Training Plan (Preparatory Phase – First Week)

Rider: Woman rider aged 50
Week commencing: 19/11/18
Coach’s comments on the coming weeks training: this is the first week of an 8 week training cycle getting used to being back on the bike and also building up base fitness

Training prescribed: Rest
Focus: Other
Training prescribed: 20 min warm up;  Fartlek(use the terrain) session x 10
Focus: Physical
Training prescribed:  Yoga  and/or weight session/ or core strength
Focus: Physical/ Technical
Training prescribed: 40 miles Thursday club run.. RPE 7
Focus: Physical/ Technical
Training prescribed: Rest
Focus: Other
Training prescribed: 4 miles Saturday club run.. RPE 7
Focus: Physical
Training prescribed: core strength session
Focus: Physical/ Technical

Weekly Training Plan (Preparatory Phase – 8th Week)

Rider: Woman rider aged 50
Week commencing: 14/01/19
Coach’s comments on the coming weeks training: this is the last week of training in the 8 week block. It is what is termed the “easy” week. It allows the rider to build on what has been developed throughout the last 7 weeks.

Training prescribed: rest
Focus: Other
Training prescribed: Base miles..40 mile spin easy RPE 5
 Focus: Physical
Training prescribed: Yoga  and/or weight session/ or core strength
Focus: Physical/Technical
Training prescribed: 35 miles Thursday club run.. RPE 5
Focus: Physical
Training prescribed: rest
Focus: Physical
Training prescribed: 50 miles Saturday club run.. RPE 5
Focus: Physical
Training prescribed: core strength session
Focus: Physical/ Technical

Weekly Training Plan (Specific Preparation Phase – First Week)

Rider: Woman rider aged 50
Week commencing: 21/01/19
Coach’s comments on the coming weeks training: this is the first week of a 8 week training block.  It is working on more specific training preparation

Training prescribed: Rest /
Focus: Physical
Training prescribed: 20 min warm up; intervals: 4 x 5 mins; 5 mins rest between each
Keeping form throughout is important
Focus: Physical/Technical
Training prescribed: Yoga  and/or weight session/ or core strength
Focus: Physical/ Technical
Training prescribed: 45 miles Thursday club run.. RPE 7
Focus: Physical
Training prescribed:
Focus: Physical
Training prescribed: 50 miles Saturday club run.. RPE 6
Focus: Physical
Training prescribed: Core strength session
Focus: Physical/Technical

Weekly Training Plan (Specific Preparation Phase – 7th Week)

Rider: Woman rider aged 50
Week commencing: 18/03/19
Coach’s comments on the coming weeks training: this is the last week of an 8 week training block.  It is working on more specific training preparation

Training prescribed: rest
Focus: Physical
Training prescribed: Interval session. 20 mins warm up; 6x4 min intervals; 4 mins rest between each interval
Focus: Physical
Training prescribed: Yoga  and/or weight session/ or core strength
Focus: Physical/Technical
Training prescribed: 40 miles Thursday club run.. RPE 7
Focus: Physical
Training prescribed: rest
Focus: Physical
Training prescribed: 50 miles Saturday club run.. RPE 5
Focus: Physical
Training prescribed: Core strength session
Focus: Physical/ Technical

Weekly Training Plan (General Competition Phase – First Week)

Rider: Woman rider aged 50
Week commencing: 25/03/2019
Coach’s comments on the coming weeks training: this is the first week of an 8 week training block.  It is working up to beginning of competition

Training prescribed: rest
Focus: Physical
Training prescribed: 20 min warm up; Pyramid interval session; 1 min interval/1 min recovery; 2 min interval/2 min recovery; 3 min interval/3 min recovery; 4 min interval/4 min recovery; 4 min interval/4 min recovery; 3 min interval/3 min recovery; 2 min interval/2 min recovery; 1 min interval/1 min recovery
20 min cool down
Focus: Physical
Training prescribed: Yoga  and/or weight session/ or core strength
Focus: Physical/ Technical
Training prescribed: 40 mile club run RPE 7
Focus: Physical
Training prescribed: rest
Focus: Physical
Training prescribed: 45 mile club run RPE 6
Focus: Physical
Training prescribed: Core strength session
Focus: Physical/ Technical

Weekly Training Plan (General Competition Phase – 7th Week)

Rider: Woman rider aged 50
Week commencing: 20/05/2019
Coach’s comments on the coming weeks training: this is the last week of an 8 week training block.  It is working up to competition

Training prescribed: rest
Focus: Physical
Training prescribed: 20 min warm up; 5 x 5 min intervals with 5 min recovery between each interval. 20 min cool down
Focus: Physical
Training prescribed: Yoga  and/or weight session/ or core strength
Focus: Physical/ Technical
Training prescribed: 20 min warm up; 6 x 2 min hill repeat sessions on a hill approx 6% in gradient. 1 min rest between each. 20 min cool down
Focus: Physical
Training prescribed: rest
Training prescribed: 45 mile club run RPE 7
Focus: Physical
Training prescribed: Core strength session
Focus: Physical/Technical

Weekly Training Plan (Competition Phase – First Week)

Rider: Woman rider aged 50
Week commencing: 27/05/2019
Coach’s comments on the coming weeks training: the main competition is in 3 weeks time. The rider is to get used to riding in the dark and to mixing with team mates

Training prescribed: rest
Focus: Physical
Training prescribed: 20 min warm up; 20 min at TT pace in the dark to get accustomed to nite riding; 20 min cool down
Focus: Physical/Technical
Training prescribed: Yoga  and/or weight session/ or core strength
Focus: Physical/ Technical
Training prescribed: 20 min warm up; 6 x 5 min intervals on the flat; 20 min cool down.
Training prescribed: rest
Training prescribed: 45 mile club run at RPE 7
Focus: physical
Training prescribed: Core strength session
Focus: Physical

Weekly Training Plan (Competition Phase – 3rd Week)

Rider: Woman rider aged 50
Week commencing: 10/06/2019
Coach’s comments on the coming weeks training: the 555 relay race is in 1 week’s time. This is the taper week and the rider is now fully tuned for her main  season event

Training prescribed: rest
Focus: Physical
Training prescribed: 20 min warm up; 3 x 1 min intervals with 1 min rest between each; 20 min cool down
Focus: Physical
Training prescribed: Yoga session only!
Focus: Physical/ Technical
Training prescribed: 20 mile run at RPE 4 to loosen legs
Focus: Physical
Training prescribed: rest
Focus: Physical
Training prescribed: 20 mile spin at RPE 4 to loosen legs
Focus: Physical
Training prescribed: Yoga session or rest
Focus: physical

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